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The Evolution of Imagination
Consider Miles Davis, horn held high, sculpting a powerful musical statement full of tonal patterns, inside jokes, and thrilling climactic phrases—all on the fly. Or think of a comedy troupe riffing on a couple of cues from the audience until the whole room is erupting with laughter. Or maybe it’s a team of software engineers brainstorming their way to the next Google, or the Einsteins of the world code-cracking the mysteries of nature. Maybe it’s simply a child playing with her toys. What do all of these activities share? With wisdom, humor, and joy, philosopher Stephen T. Asma answers that question in this book: imagination. And from there he takes us on an extraordinary tour of the human creative spirit.
Guided by neuroscience, animal behavior, evolution, philosophy, and psychology, Asma burrows deep into the human psyche to look right at the enigmatic but powerful engine that is our improvisational creativity—the source, he argues, of our remarkable imaginational capacity. How is it, he asks, that a story can evoke a whole world inside of us? How are we able to rehearse a skill, a speech, or even an entire scenario simply by thinking about it? How does creativity go beyond experience and help us make something completely new? And how does our moral imagination help us sculpt a better society? As he shows, we live in a world that is only partly happening in reality. Huge swaths of our cognitive experiences are made up by “what-ifs,” “almosts,” and “maybes,” an imagined terrain that churns out one of the most overlooked but necessary resources for our flourishing: possibilities. Considering everything from how imagination works in our physical bodies to the ways we make images, from the mechanics of language and our ability to tell stories to the creative composition of self-consciousness, Asma expands our personal and day-to-day forms of imagination into a grand scale: as one of the decisive evolutionary forces that has guided human development from the Paleolithic era to today. The result is an inspiring look at the rich relationships among improvisation, imagination, and culture, and a privileged glimpse into the unique nature of our evolved minds.
Guided by neuroscience, animal behavior, evolution, philosophy, and psychology, Asma burrows deep into the human psyche to look right at the enigmatic but powerful engine that is our improvisational creativity—the source, he argues, of our remarkable imaginational capacity. How is it, he asks, that a story can evoke a whole world inside of us? How are we able to rehearse a skill, a speech, or even an entire scenario simply by thinking about it? How does creativity go beyond experience and help us make something completely new? And how does our moral imagination help us sculpt a better society? As he shows, we live in a world that is only partly happening in reality. Huge swaths of our cognitive experiences are made up by “what-ifs,” “almosts,” and “maybes,” an imagined terrain that churns out one of the most overlooked but necessary resources for our flourishing: possibilities. Considering everything from how imagination works in our physical bodies to the ways we make images, from the mechanics of language and our ability to tell stories to the creative composition of self-consciousness, Asma expands our personal and day-to-day forms of imagination into a grand scale: as one of the decisive evolutionary forces that has guided human development from the Paleolithic era to today. The result is an inspiring look at the rich relationships among improvisation, imagination, and culture, and a privileged glimpse into the unique nature of our evolved minds.
- 作者: Asma, Stephen T.
- 原文出版社:Univ of Chicago Pr
- 出版日期:2017/06/21
- 語言:英文
The Evolution of Imagination
包含陸委會官員為成員的「兩岸政策協會」今( 10 )日公布「『海峽論壇』與近期兩岸互動」民意調查結果,本次調查顯示 51.2 %民眾認為面對中國打壓,國民黨近期與中國互動(如參與海峽論壇)的作法不適當,認為適當的民眾占 36.5 %。此外,超過 63 %民眾支持政府在中國打壓下應有反制措施,不支持的民眾佔 20.7 %。
蔡政府上任以來兩岸關係發展, 5 成 2 受訪民眾認為中國政府正在破壞兩岸原有現狀,32.8 %民眾認為破壞現狀者為台灣政府。面對中國不斷打壓下,52.2 %民眾認為政府不應該接受「一中原則的九二共識」,認為接受的民眾占 34.8 %。此外,針對中國對台不友善行為,60.9 %民眾同意政府應嚴審中國官員來台申請。
海峽論壇議題方面,52.4 %民眾不同意國民黨副主席郝龍斌提出「兩岸一家人」說法,同意者占 37.3 %;61.3 %民眾不同意國民黨主席吳敦義提出的「兩岸最終的目的是國家統一」說法,同意者占 29.4 %。此外,58.8 %民眾不同意國民黨的「邦交國斷交,主要問題在台灣政府」說法,同意者占 33.6 %。
民調顯示,54.2 %民眾認為在美國及中國之間,台灣應該偏向美國才能有效維護台灣主權,認為應偏向中國者占 24.6 %。 42.9 %民眾認為民進黨較能捍衛台灣主權與尊嚴,認為國民黨的民眾占 33.2 %。
本次調查為兩岸政策協會委託決策民調中心執行,訪問係於 107 年 6 月 8 日至 9 日進行訪問。此次成功訪問 1,070 名成年人。在 95 %信心水準下,抽樣誤差為正負 3.00 %。
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